In Our General Dentist Office, Fluoride is Part of Preventative Care

Posted on: March 2nd, 2015 by Shadrach Gonqueh

General Dentist

When you visit our general dentist office, there is a good chance that we will talk about fluoride.  This is a dependable way to decrease your risk of getting cavities.  When you brush your teeth two to three times a day with a fluoride toothpaste, you can begin to see the benefit of stronger and healthier teeth.  Still, there are better ways for you to obtain fluoride that will give you the maximum benefit.  Here is what you should know.

Fluoride is best received through drinking water or an in-office fluoride treatment. Both will decrease your risk of getting cavities by thirty percent.  There is a good chance that you are drinking fluoride on a daily basis since over 10,000 U.S. communities have added it to their public drinking water.  If you are on a well, or your community doesn’t have fluoridated water, it is that much more important that you receive a treatment in our office.  We particularly recommend this for children and teenagers, since they are more prone to tooth decay in the first place.

Why fluoride helps you –

As a general dentist, we have seen how fluoride can strengthen teeth through a process called remineralization.  Over time, the teeth will naturally demineralize.  This is caused by the food that you eat, how you brush your teeth, a lack of dental care and even age.  While natural, this can make the teeth softer and cause the enamel to erode or wear away.  This leaves the teeth susceptible to tooth decay and in order to combat this, you need to remineralize your teeth.  Fluoride is the best way to do so.  The enamel on your teeth will absorb the fluoride in around four minutes and instantly become stronger.  You can also make changes to your diet like eating dairy products, green leafy veggies, nuts, and lean protein to further remineralize your teeth.  These activities will give your teeth the strength they need to fight off tooth decay and even reverse some of the damage that early decay can cause.  In fact, with a fluoride treatment, some minor tooth decay may be eliminated before it ever has a chance to turn into a full cavity.

Why this matters –

According to the Center for Disease Control, the most pervasive infectious disease among children is tooth decay.  Even if you didn’t have cavities as a child, this condition is becoming increasingly prevalent among children, in part due to the amount of sugar that most children eat.  Cavities cause uncomfortable toothaches and missed school days, creating a situation that must be addressed.  This is why we recommend that all children have a fluoride treatment, even if they are drinking public water.  This is the best solution we have in addition to regular teeth cleanings, for preventing tooth decay. Since fluoride varnish is virtually tasteless and odorless, even young children won’t mind it.  If you want to learn more about fluoride and how it can benefit your children, visit our general dentist office today.
